
Uiharu add OS download links!

우이하루2022.10.28 21:39Views 20918Comment 0

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This is Uiharu, who is good at using computers in the academy city!

What news have you brought today?


Uiharu add OS download links!

The OS that can be downloaded are as follows...

* Xubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

* Xubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

* Lubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

* Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop(2022. 09. 22.) - 32-bits, 64-bits

* Raspberry Pi OS Lite(2022. 09. 22.) - 32-bits, 64-bits

* Raspberry Pi OS Desktop(2022. 07. 01.) - 32-bits only

If there is a wrong link or a newer version is out, please let me know, Uiharu. I'll add it right away!

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