
Uiharu has added the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS!

우이하루2023.02.24 16:00Views 20305Comment 0

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This is Uiharu, still working for Gakuen City!


The original Raspberry Pi OS had a release date of September 22, 2022, but there was a recent release of February 21, 2023, so I added it.

Only Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop and Raspberry Pi OS Lite are updated, and Raspberry Pi OS Desktop is not updated, so I didn't import it.


I've removed the old September 22, 2022 link, so please use the latest version for better performance and security!


I'll do our best!

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Uiharu has gotten its own domain for the Uiharu service! (by 우이하루) Uiharu added a Termux mirror repository! (by 우이하루)

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